Play Harder.

Grand Slam have one very simple goal: to be the best at what they do. Striving to provide the best sporting equipment, the best service and the best value, their sports equipment is engineered for strength and reliability.

Grand Slam liaise with engineers, architects and builders to ensure the proper selection of equipment. Grand Slam also offer professional services to design the most cost-effective and efficient sporting equipment for your facility. When architectural drawings are supplied, Grand Slam can provide a computer design service, setting out in detail, court layouts, fixing points and correct positioning of equipment.

IC Creative Design were challenged to assist in building an innovative brand for Grand Slam to exceed expectations and stand apart from their competition.

This involved a broad range of creative work, from refinement of the Grand Slam logo, to designing a new website and developing marketing videos to help advertise new products.

One of the key challenges of the project was to incorporate sporting icons and a colour scheme that could be used throughout the marketplace. Elements of the sporting icons were used to tie together items such as letterhead, business cards, brochures, and website.

Whether we’re repositioning an existing brand or creating the Brands of Tomorrow, IC Creative Design deliver genuine results using our flexible yet focused approach.

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